Ahh the summer holidays! The most challenging time of the year for a parent according to my very own “Super Mum”. If it wasn’t for her or my Dad taking time off work, or if they never saved up money throughout the year for the 6 week period, I would most likely have been stuck at my Nan’s every day in front of the cable TV watching Cartoon Network – not very exciting at all after the initial couple of hours is over!
Mum, Dad……I’m bored 😩😩😩😩😩
You will be aware of the dreaded “I’m bored” shouts (heck you don’t need me to remind you) during the school holiday when there are a lack of activities planned. According to the Daily Mail, kids say those dreaded words up to 200 times during the six weeks holiday! But never fear – I have found easy ways to entertain your Superstar when they are at home, and a way of getting FREE theatre tickets to West End shows even when you are having days at home 🙂
Just take a look at the links below:
But Remember…..it’s not all bad being bored
It is simply not possible to have something planned for 30 week-days during the summer holidays. There will be times when no activities are planned, but this isn’t a bad thing! We are a big fan of our Super Stars being independent and creative and that is exactly what being bored will fire up in their brain!

So on the odd days where you don’t have anything planned, do not worry! Be brave and see what your Super Star comes up with to fill their time!
On the days where you need some activities, simply choose activities from the links above or you can check out our Award Winning Summer Holiday Sports Activity camps (p.s. by joining our mailing list here, you automatically receive a £6 off voucher to use too)
Good luck Super Parent :)